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Diesel Market Overview

About Our Product

African Petroleum Energy Coporation of Southern Africa

Sulphur Content

Sulphur content is an important factor in determining the quality of a fuel, particularly for middle distillate fuels like 50 PPM. In fact, many countries have set legal limits on the amount of sulphur that can be present in fuels, in an effort to reduce harmful emissions and improve air quality.

Environmentally FRIENDLY

The low sulphur content helps to reduce harmful emissions from vehicles, making 50 PPM a more environmentally-friendly option compared to higher sulphur fuels

50 PPM

50 PPM is a highly refined, middle distillate, hydrocarbon fuel that has been designed to meet the stringent requirements of modern engines. One of the key features of this fuel is its incredibly low sulphur content, containing less than 0.005% sulphur by mass

Engine Component Protection.

it helps to protect and extend the life of engine components, such as fuel injectors and exhaust systems, by reducing the formation of sulphuric acid and other corrosive compounds.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about our 50 PPM fuel, or any of our other products, please don't hesitate to get in touch with us. Our team of experts are always happy to help and provide guidance on which fuel is best suited for your needs. Thank you for considering our fuel company for your fuel needs!

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